Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's Impossible

11/11/11 11:11 ; The day that I will never forget in my life. The best day that I spent with her. But I swear I didn't expect the next days to end like this :/ it's very painful. I'm really broken, I'm cheering myself up. She changed my whole life. They say that nothing is impossible but from this, I learnt that there are few things that are impossible ; to forget her, not to love her & to let her go. I promised her & I also promise myself not to let her go. I'm really not letting her go. Everything happens for a reason, I hope the reason behind this is to get her to be all mine bcoz if it is, it's really worth it. I need her in my life. I'll wait for you baby, I really will. Things will be better, I pray everyday for us. All these prayers won't be wasted. I really have the feeling that we are destined to be. A lot of people also have told me that. I'm really lucky that I've met you. We will be happy together, I know we will. I'll be there for you, always. Loveyou baby <3 

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